03 October 2006

knitting round and round...

I started my first felting project awhile back...I am at the point of knitting the body of the French Market Bag by Knitty. Plain old stocking stitch, knitting round and round and round.

I was hoping to get this done before I reached Ireland. Greg and I are planning a trip to Dublin next week. Maybe I will get an opportunity to meet a few Irish knitting bloggers.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that'd be great! I'll send you my mobile number via email and you can ring when you get to town!

mjm knitting said...

Dublin! Ireland! Have you been before? I was there two years ago and had a wonderful time. Not knitting related but the best pub was the Hole in the Wall. It's a fare hike on foot (just ask the bf as we walked to it) but if you have access to a car, or i'd recommend taking a taxi, it's a great pub for a pint and a meal. It's located beside Phoenix Park. Have fun in Dublin.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it'd be great to meet up with you for a knit and a natter.