13 February 2007

the view from the street...part II

As a pedestrian on this side of the pond, I occasionally get disoriented while crossing the road. I have not quite adapted to “drive on the left hand side of the road”. My saving grace, are the painted cues at the pedestrian crossings. I just have to look down and the instructions are priinted in big letters....look left....look right....
Last Saturday, I explored another area of Dublin. I stepped off the bus and I found myself at the edge of a very busy
roundabout. I waited and waited for a break in the traffic, only to be bombarded by more cars from another direction. I finally darted across, when out of no where a single car came to a squealling halt ... made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
Thank you to my guardian angel who watches over me...and to the driver...for not losing control of your car.

The knitting perspective on this story: It was my first visit to Springwools.


Holly said...

Very brave girl. How much did you buy at Spingwool? Did you meet the adorable Kevin??

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the Walkinstown roundabout. I got lost heading home last week and drove through it three times. Didn't matter which way I went, I just ended up back there.

My first visit to Springwools was last week too. I was disappointed. ThisIsKnit, despite being much further away, is totally my LYS from now on.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you were trying to cross that huge Walkinstown roundabout, you were a brave girl, indeed! Never a dull moment at a Dublin pedestrian!

tangelled angel said...

Wow, the Walkinstown Roundabout eh?
The Roundabout of Terror
The Roundabout where you take your life in your hands driving around, let alone trying to cross beside.
The roundabout where I made my poor boyfriend drive around when he was learning how to drive....yikes. He did well, and well done You for making it out the other side!